Whytecliff Rocks!

Whytecliff Rocks!

At Focus Foundation through our Whytecliff Learning Centres, we strive to reach and support at-risk youth through education and therapeutic programming. Support and therapy can take on many forms. We work at creating positive ways to connect youth to their passions and give them the opportunity to develop an interest, pursue a talent, and develop a potential new hobby through our therapeutic art program. Over the past few years our youth have had the opportunity to participate in drama, art, and photography. A continual interest has been expressed to expand our therapeutic arts program and incorporate music. In the fall of 2014, we were able to embark on this addition for Whytecliff Langley, having Rob Taylor join our team and provide this opportunity. Rob had previously worked with a few of our graduates through community agencies, and has now built strong relationships within our current student population. Music has become a tool to assist the youth in finding their inner voice, connect with their feelings and emotions, and unlock a passion to develop their growth within a positive environment. One of the youth involved shared, “I’ve been at Whytecliff for a year and a half and I love it. The music program has made a real impact in my life because it provides a good outlet for my stress and is a good environment to practice.” On May 7, 2015 Focus Foundation had its first ever community concert! With the support of The Friends Langley Vineyard Venue ( we hosted over 100 friends and family of our youth and community. The school bands rocked (literally) and we were also... [READ MORE]
Our Community

Our Community

What does community mean to you? Is a community simply where one resides? Or does it represent a deeper meaning? The word community is defined as a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals. Focus Foundation is a community of advocates. We are a small group of individuals who care about the success of the students who come to our Whytecliff Learning Centres. The many members of our community, such as our staff, Board of Directors, and donors, are extraordinary people who spend countless hours working towards a common goal: transforming young lives. Our students are heroes. They have faced challenges in their lives and have struggled within traditional educational settings, but they have not given up. They show up each day, regardless of circumstances, to push their goals forward, to work on themselves, and to step closer to graduation. The Focus Foundation community is unique in that everyone is accepted for who they are. There is no judgement on one’s past, but there is support towards a brighter future. This is shown each year, when our students paint a chair (shown above) together which truly represents the diversity that our organization embodies. The students and staff all take a piece of the chair and paint it according to their interests, passions, and creativity. Although we may not all share the exact same interests, common attitudes, or even goals for that matter, we are for certain, a community. When you see each piece of the chair put together as one, it is a beautiful piece of artwork! The Focus Foundation community... [READ MORE]


Welcome to the new Focus Foundation website – we are very excited about the new look and hope everyone else feels the same!  The new site is the first step in an ongoing re-branding of the Foundation to raise awareness of the remarkable work done at the Whytecliff Learning Centres. The new Focus logo, colour scheme, and overall branding is designed to embody the same values the organization holds true and dear, while reflecting a shift in our approach to raising our profile in the corporate world and community at large. The new site is designed to be more user-friendly so that information is quickly and simply accessed and downloaded.  There are new features that allow us to better interact with our community and provide regular updates events, success stories, and developments to families, supporters, and our valued alumni. This site has a lot more information than the previous – a lot more information!  In order for this to be an effective data centre, we have included application forms, links, and supporting documents to provide a wide range of information to a varied audience: parents needing enrolment information, donors wanting to make a contribution, students and alumni looking up events and social agencies requiring policy documents – to name a few. Crucial to any website is timely and effective management.  This site is designed to be an “organic” instrument, regularly updated with new information to remain fresh, vibrant and, most importantly, relevant to our community.  Part of this is knowing what concerns and questions YOU might have, as well as alumni updates, suggestions, pictures, artwork, etc. This is YOUR... [READ MORE]




    Focus Foundation is a charitable organization, supporting programs for at risk youth through our Whytecliff Learning Centres.



    See what’s happening!

    Focus Foundation organizes various events throughout the year to build awareness, raise funds, and engage with supporters!



    Have a question?

    Read our frequently asked questions to learn more about Focus Foundation and Whytecliff Learning Centres.



    Contact us today for more information about our programs or to find out how you can support our organization.