

About Focus Foundation

What is the difference between Focus Foundation and Whytecliff Centres?

Focus Foundation is the governing and fundraising body of Whytecliff Centres.

Who supports your programs?

Focus Foundation has many generous donors who help make it possible to operate Whytecliff Centres. To name a few donors (past and present):

Variety The Children’s Charity

CKNW Orphan’s Fund

TELUS Community Board

The Rotary Club of Langley Central

Kids At Risk The Amir and Yasmin Virani Family Foundation

Private and individual donors

Is Focus Foundation a registered charity?

Yes. Charitable donation receipts are available for donations of $25 or more.

BC Registered Charity #S-11439 Federal Reg. # 118920305RR0001 

How long has Focus Foundation been in operation?

Focus Foundation has been supporting and advocating for at-risk youth since 1975. The programs offered have evolved over the years to accommodate youth needs.

How can I help?

Donate today to change the lives of youth at risk.

Refer a student – if you or someone you know is struggling, contact us today.

Tell a friend! – Tell a friend, family member, colleague, or social network about Focus Foundation!

About Whytecliff Centres

Where do your students come from?

Referrals come from many sources: students refer students, counselors, parents, grandparents, social workers, probation officers, and other service programs.

What are the qualifications of your staff who work with the youth?

All of our teachers at Whytecliff Centres are BC Certified teachers. We also have family and youth workers who work with the youth and their families.

What is CARF?

Founded in 1966 as THE COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF REHABILITATION FACILITIES, CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services. The CARF family of organizations accredits more than 48,000 programs and services at more than 21,000 locations on five continents. CARF accredits Focus Foundation’s programs as mental health and addictions programs.

How much are the costs of attending Whytecliff Centres?

Full tuition to attend Whytecliff Centres is five hundred dollars per month. Focus Foundation works on a case by case situation and can provide scholarships and bursaries for those who need. (See Tuition)

Where can I apply?

Download an application from our website or call our program sites today to arrange a tour.

What is the staff to student ratio?

Currently, our staff to student ration is approximately 1:8.

Do you take international students?

We have the capacity to take students from anywhere within BC, Canada, and also internationally. However, we do not have ESL courses available, nor do we provide room and board; students must make those arrangements prior.

Do your students take provincial exams? Do they graduate with their Dogwood Diploma?

All students who attend Whytecliff Centres follow the BC Ministry of Education curriculum. In doing so, they are required to take the same provincial exams as all other public and private schools within BC. Students graduate Whytecliff with their Dogwood Diplomas.


Focus Foundation is a charitable organization, supporting programs for at risk youth through our Whytecliff Learning Centres.



See what’s happening!

Focus Foundation organizes various events throughout the year to build awareness, raise funds, and engage with supporters!



Have a question?

Read our frequently asked questions to learn more about Focus Foundation and Whytecliff Learning Centres.



Contact us today for more information about our programs or to find out how you can support our organization.